Perbankan Syariah English


PSy-UAA Study Program has educators who are domestic and foreign graduates that have special skills in the field of Islamic finance and banking.


Cooperation partners are woven in order to work together between the academic world and the working field, and they are expected to be solutions in the midst of academic needs and the industrial world.


New student admissions have been opened for 17 study programs at the University of Alma Ata. Come join University of Alma Ata!


Our vision and mission is a planned concept which is accompanied by actions in accordance to the plan to achieve one goal.


Amenities include all the needs of students needed for easy, smooth, and supportive learning activities.


After attending lectures in the Islamic banking study program, each student can fill available and needed job opportunities in various banking roles.
P rofiles of UAA Syariah Banking S1 graduates: are (1) able to understand trade rules in the area of Islamic finance and banking, (2) able to contextualize theoretical ideals around finance and banking into the reality of Islamic finance practices, especially in the Islamic banking world with the skills of specialists (experts) to work in the Islamic banking sector, (3) able to identify and provide analysis regarding the latest issues in the Islamic finance sector in order to contribute in the form of research and service that is adapted to economic and social change.  Read More…

Come join the Islamic Banking Study Program at the University of Alma Ata to realize a better future!

I want to!

Student Facilities

  1. Bidikmisi
  2. Beasiswa Prestasi Kementerian Agama RI
  3. Beasiswa Tahfidz Kementerian Agama RI
  4. Dikpora DIY
  5. Utama (Unggul Tak Mampu)
  6. Beasiswa Khusus

Student Facilities

Counseling is a service provided for students in an effort to help students solve problems, both academic and non-academic, and facilitate students achievement of learning objectives through guidance and counseling.

Student Facilities

Students can channel their interests and talents in various Alma Ata Student Activity Groups, such as:

  1. Martial Arts
  2. Drum band
  3. Band Group
  4. Futsal
  5. English Club
  6. PIKM
  7. Scientific Club

Student Facilities

The Accident & Health Insurance Program is provided for all Alma Ata students as a means of protection against the risk of illness, accidents and death, as well as health care programs provided by Alma Ata Medical Center

Student Facilities

Increased discipline is practiced in a variety of academic and non-academic activities, namely requiring students to be on time and have integrity in the academic process, especially in making assignments and examinations. It is hoped that this method will build honesty, responsibility, communication skills, and student discipline.

PSy-UAA Study Program News


  • Pengalaman saya dapatkan selama kuliah di Perbankan Syariah UAA sangat mendukung profesi yang sedang saya jalani saat ini sebagai CS Bank Syariah Mandiri di Kaliurang Yogyakarta. Bekal ilmu yang sudah saya dapatkan di prodi ini sangat membantu saya meraih pencapaian di dunia kerja, lingkungan perkúliahan yang kondusif dan berbasis pesantren sangat membantu saya dalam membentuk karakter diri yang lslami.
    Gusti Ayu Rada Soraya, S.E, Alumni PSy-UAA 2017
    Costumer Service Officer at Bank Syariah Mandiri, Yogyakarta  
  • Sempat bertanya setelah lulus mau ke mana dan jadi apa dengan Gelar S.E dari prodi Perbankan Syariah (Psy) Univesitas Alma Ata,  dan Alhamdulillah bukan hal yang sulit untuk lulusan Psy melanjutkan studi Magister di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Favorit di DIY. Saya sangat senang bisa menjadi alumni Psy, atmosfir pendidikan yang inovatif  di lingkungan Psy terbukti menjadikan saya pribadi yang kreatif dan resolutif dalam menghadapi tantangan di masa depan.
    Mahsun, S.E
    Angkatan Perbankan Syariah 2014
    Mahasiswa Pascasarjana di UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • "Menjadi alumni di Prodi Perbankan Syariah (Psy) adalah mimpi saya yang menjadi nyata. Dibimbing oleh Dosen-dosen yang berkualitas dan memperoleh proses pembelajaran yang representatif dengan kebutuhan kerja membuat saya tidak menunggu lama untuk memperoleh pekerjaan. Saat ini saya bekerja di posisi Admin Analyst Claim yang berafiliasi dengan PT Arnotts, Perfetti, Johnson dan Dua Kelinci. Saya adalah bukti bahwa lulusan Psy tidak hanya cocok di industri perbankan.  Bergabung menjadi mahasiswa Perbankan Syariah adalah berkah yang luar biasa."
    Siti Risalatul Mu'awanah, S.E
    Alumni Perbankan Syariah
    Angkatan 2015
    Peraih IPK Tertinggi